Instructions for external users

Login to public portal

Click on the Login button on the top right-hand side and then select Sign in with Schibsted Enterprise Technology SSO. Create Schibsted Account in order to request access to an API.

Request Access to an API

In order to request access to the API’s please follow the below steps :

  • Select an API: In the public portal, select the API you would like to request access to. In this example, we are using the "American Flights SAPI" API


  • Request Access: Once you are in the API you will see the Request Access button on the top right-hand side, click on the button to request the access.


  • Create Application: After you have followed the above steps you will see a request Access box, please specify the environment and SLA tier from the drop-down list. Then you need to create an application by clicking on Create a new application link. You will get another box. Specify the name of the application (preferably your company name underscore environment like Schibsted_Stage). Then click on the Request Access button.


  • If there is no manual approval, credentials will be displayed otherwise you will get a message waiting for approval. You can always access the application under My applications in Exchange to see the credentials.
